Every time some data is uploaded to a web hosting account or downloaded from it, some website traffic is produced which is an aspect that each and every hosting plan comes with. It's also one of the characteristics you should check out, because what amount of website traffic allowance you will need is dependent upon what you need the account for. The website traffic is primarily produced by downloads and this includes web site visits. In simple terms, every time somebody visits your website, the webpages are downloaded from the server on his/her computer system and they're afterwards shown by their internet browser. It is also recommendable to know that uploads are considered too, so that every time you copy larger files from your computer system to the server, some site traffic is generated as well. Different companies may have different names for this specific feature, like traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, still they all refer to the exact same thing - the total amount of incoming and outgoing data created for a given period of time.
Monthly Traffic in Web Hosting
The monthly website traffic allowance for all our web hosting packages is sufficient for any type of web site. If you have a blog, a discussion board or electronic commerce portal, how much info will be transferred to and from your account or reaching some modest quota limit won't be a reason for your websites to be unavailable. We also offer comprehensive site traffic info, so that you will be allowed to check what amount of data is being downloaded all of the time. The monthly, daily and hourly results will give you an idea how your websites are performing, what type of files generate the most traffic and a lot more important info that can help you take care of the web sites and your account altogether. The stats can be reached with just a couple of mouse-clicks from your Hepsia web hosting Control Panel.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our semi-dedicated server packages are very powerful so you can run several sites from a single account. The monthly traffic feature matches that power, that's why what you will receive is a hosting account with truly unlimited info transfer. Consequently, your websites can grow as much as it's possible with this kind of website hosting and you can receive as many website visitors as you wish. For enhanced site and account management, you can check out how much website traffic each of your websites produces, however we won't set a limit. For your convenience, you will be able to view hourly, daily and monthly numbers as well as the particular web pages that are visited the most, or the most downloaded files. When you use our semi-dedicated hosting packages, you'll never concern yourself with getting to some traffic restriction and you'll be able to concentrate on upgrading your web sites and receiving more visitors.
Monthly Traffic in VPS
The monthly traffic allowance for our VPS packages is proportionate to the other server’s system resources. When you purchase a more powerful server, it is much more likely that you'll operate a popular website or even a variety of sites, hence there will be a lot more visitors. By reason of this, the higher package you get, the larger monthly website traffic allowance you will have. We'll contact you once you reach 90% of that amount, so that you will have sufficient time to take some action and either update the package or optimize your websites and lower the website traffic that they generate before the counter resets the following month. When you decide to upgrade, this can be done via your billing Control Panel and with no more than a few clicks. You'll even be able to keep track of the amount of site traffic your server has already generated and the amount that is left until you get to your monthly limit. This info will be can be found in the VPS administration panel where you're also able to restart your server and check out the employment of all other system resources like disk storage, CPU load or physical memory usage.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Hosting
Using a dedicated server, you'll have a very powerful hosting product at your disposal and the traffic quota that you will get matches all of the other features. Your server can produce terabytes of site traffic monthly, so regardless of the type or amount of websites that you host, you will never need to worry for them being not reachable as a result of inadequate traffic. To be on the safe side however, we will give you the opportunity to upgrade this feature if required. We'll notify you well in advance if you get close to the restriction, so you will have the option to update or decrease your traffic by optimizing your content to avoid any interruption of the work of your web sites. You can view the used and remaining site traffic for the present month from the administration panel that we provide. The info there includes all incoming & outgoing transfers, like software setups and updates. In comparison, a hosting Control Panel provides more detailed information, but only for the traffic to and from a web hosting account, not the server as a whole.