The quality of the web hosting service that you will get for your sites depends not only on the attributes which a given plan has, but also on the hardware your web apps run on. Increased CPU speeds, for example, mean that the processes running on the web hosting server will be carried out more quickly, while extra physical memory (RAM) indicates that even more processes can run concurrently. The quality of the hardware may also influence the overall performance and reliability of the server. As the Internet hosting service nowadays includes not just file storage, but also databases, emails, logs, and many others, additional processing power is required to run all of the system processes and to make sure that they work efficiently and with no lag. In the event that the hardware is not powerful enough, the result will be sluggish Internet sites and / or even service timeouts as the machine might not be able to handle all requests to the websites hosted on it.
24-core servers, hardware in Web Hosting
The servers that we use for our web hosting packages are powerful enough to provide the ultimate performance of your websites and in case you are moving from another company, you will quickly feel the difference. Not only is our platform comprised of clusters of servers which manage every part of the hosting service (files, emails, databases, logs, etc.), but each cluster consists of powerful machines, each one with 24-core processors, 64 GB RAM and NVMe drives. The hardware stands behind our service and performance guarantees and regardless of what applications you would like to run, you will not see any decrease in the performance. The Internet hosting service utilizes the power of all machines and since we can add servers to each cluster, we practically have an Internet hosting powerhouse with infinite resources. As your sites will be hosted on this platform, the hardware will never be a restriction for their growth.
24-core servers, hardware in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The semi-dedicated hosting accounts that we offer feature quite a lot of unrestricted features for a reason - they are created on an advanced cloud web hosting platform that consists of numerous powerful servers. 24-core processors, 64 GB RAM along with NVMes will provide the best possible hardware environment for your web apps and you will never encounter a situation where the resources are not enough - something that happens often with many other hosting providers. All of the hardware parts are enterprise-level and are tested carefully before we use them so as to avoid any possible troubles later on. Our cloud platform can be expanded by attaching additional servers to the cluster that needs them and considering the hardware every machine features, you'll never have to worry whether your Internet sites will perform well or not. Since no account is ever created on a single server, there is no scenario where several clients can use up all available system resources.
24-core servers, hardware in VPS
The virtual private servers which we provide are generated on powerful physical servers, so you'll be able to entirely utilize the system resources which are provided with your solution. Each and every machine has a total of 24 CPU cores and 64 GB physical memory, that shall ensure the fast and stable operation of each application which you run on the VPS. If you decide to upgrade, you won't encounter a situation where the available resources are not sufficient as when we create a new virtual server, we make sure that there will be room for every user on it to upgrade without having to affect the rest of the users or the overall server functionality. We also take advantage of NVMe drives that will accelerate your sites even more, so if you're moving from another service provider, you'll see the difference in the service.
24-core servers, hardware in Dedicated Hosting
The dedicated servers that we offer come with different hardware setups so as to provide you with a choice to get the most suitable one with regard to the system resources you need and the budget you have, but each of them is quite powerful and will offer outstanding performance for any type of website. According to what you would like to run, you'll be able to employ up to 12 CPU cores with over 24 GHz processing speed along with as much as 16 GB of physical memory entirely for your web apps. All parts which we use for the servers are tested carefully both before and after your machine is set up to make sure that there isn't any defective hardware. If any issue appears nonetheless, the support team which is available 24/7 in our US datacenter can replace any part and recover the correct functioning of your server in no more than a few minutes.