Should you ever encounter a problem with your site and be unable to solve it on your own, ask the hosting provider’s customer care team to assist you to get the website back online. A prompt solution would be the best-case scenario, but a lot of companies respond within twenty four hours and even more, particularly if you are doing business with a hosting reseller. Even if the problem can be quickly fixed, your site may not function correctly or may not be reachable at all for a prolonged interval, so you may lose prospective customers because it’s extremely unlikely that anyone will willingly return to a website that is out of order. That is why, you ought to make certain not only that you can reach your web hosting company, but also that they can answer and help you in a timely fashion. If a software app update doesn’t go as planned or you delete something incidentally, for example, the site should be restored quickly so as to avoid long unavailability.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Web Hosting
Our guaranteed max reaction time for any support ticket that you post or any email that you write is only one hour, even if you contact us during weekends and public holidays. Whatever the nature of your problem or inquiry might be, we will lend you a hand instantly and will give you the needed info to resolve any problem with your websites. The real response time commonly does not surpass fifteen-twenty minutes, which implies that you can forget about waiting around for hours to get an issue sorted out or what is even worse – waiting around one whole day only to receive a response that more info is needed while nothing is solved. We’ll offer you assistance at once merely because we realize precisely how valuable time can be in the dynamic digital era. The 1-hour reply guarantee is valid for any billing or technical inquiry that you might have relating to our Linux web hosting.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our customer care team reps will be at your service all the time and they’ll respond to any trouble ticket that you post via our web hosting Control Panel within maximum 1 hour. The ticket response time is guaranteed irrespective of whether you’ve got a general enquiry relating to your semi-dedicated server or you bump into some obstacle and you won’t have to wait even that long for most issues. No matter what the essence of the issue is or what time of day or night it is, we will be there to lend you a hand, as we are available 7 days a week to deal with any general, billing or technical issue. In case you get in touch with us about anything that is within our capacity, we’ll sort it out before we get back to you, which suggests that you will not have to wait around for hours or days while the problem remains. In case there’s something that you have to do on your end, we’ll supply you with the required info – what possible solutions to try, what actions to take, etc.