SPF, which abbreviates Sender Policy Framework, is a verification system that is aimed at protecting against the so-called email faking. Essentially, this indicates sending a message from one e-mail address and making it look like it’s sent from a different one with the objective to scam in some way the person receiving it. In case the SPF protection is activated for a domain name, a record which contains all of the mail servers authorized to send messages with addresses part of the domain is created. The record is saved on all DNS servers that route the web traffic internationally, thus they all will recognize whether an email message originates from an authentic server or not. The check is done at the very first server where the email goes through and in the first case the message is forwarded, while in the second it's removed and it never reaches its intended recipient. Employing SPF records for your domain names will stop any unauthorized people from making use of your email addresses for malicious objectives.
SPF Protection in Web Hosting
You'll be able to enable the SPF protection option for your domain names with a couple of clicks inside the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all of our Linux web hosting. This is done through the section with an identical name and you are able to set up the protection for any domain name on our hi-tech cloud platform. Using a really user-friendly interface, all you need to submit is the hostname of the mail server which will be authorized to send out messages from your e-mails and its IPv4 or IPv6 address. Last, but not least, it is possible to add several servers too, if needed. If your e-mail addresses are handled by us, you can also employ a more secure option by setting a restriction that email messages can be sent only when your domains include our MX records. This option can't be used in case your website is hosted here, and the e-mails are with a third-party service provider. Either way, the SPF protection option can tremendously improve your online security and stop others from counterfeiting your email addresses.
SPF Protection in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The Hepsia web hosting Control Panel, that is provided with all our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages, provides you with an exceptionally user-friendly interface to activate the SPF protection service for any domain that you host in your new account. A couple of clicks in the Emails section of Hepsia will be enough for that then you will only have to type in the hostname and the IP address of the mail server that will be permitted to send out messages from your emails. In case the email messages are handled by us and not by a different supplier, you can raise the protection level even further and enable an option for all of the outgoing emails to be sent only if your domains feature our MX records. This option will provide you with increased control and it will eliminate any possibility of anyone counterfeiting your emails with the purpose of spamming and scamming people. It's not applicable in case just your website is on our outstanding cloud website hosting platform, while your e-mails are handled by another provider. If you are not sure what features to select, our tech support staff will help you 24/7.