In the event you develop a new web site, it’s important to get the best design for it. Within the Netspeed Web Hosting Site Control Panel it can be done really quickly. We have got for you a wide range of more than 800 exceptional web site styles readily available for zero cost. They are offered with each of our cloud hosting accounts and are also thoroughly customizable.

Almost all of our themes are fashioned only for our services and are not obtainable any place else outside of the Control Panel. Which means that the probabilities to discover another person using the same theme just like you are generally nominal.

800+ No Cost Templates

Thoroughly customizable. Automatic Installation

Within our Control Panel you’ll find a offering of 800+ no cost templates. All of them are suitable for anybody who wants to promptly start a new site by way of a custom theme, and not having to invest numerous hours researching tons of theme galleries on the web.

Our themes are based on the most common varieties of web sites – blogs, portfolio pages, message boards, websites of non–profit associations, e–stores, enterprise web sites, etc.

Free Website Themes

No Cost Web app Templates

Find no cost templates for your next app

We’ve produced a handful of tools (the Online Site Installer, the App Installer as well as the Cost Free Site Generator), available for no charge inside the Netspeed Web Hosting Control Panel, which will help you set up a fresh web app just like Joomla or Wordpress within seconds. Over the installation, you can decide on a custom made theme which is to be used on your new website from the outset.

We have got no cost templates for the following apps: Wordpress, Joomla, Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery).

Free App Themes

No Cost Site Builder Templates

100+ perfectly simple to customize no cost templates

If you’d like to create your own site and spend less on web site design, you’re able to take full advantage of the Cost Free Site Generator. It’s a web template–structured website constructor which requires zero HTML or CSS knowledge on your part, and is also available for zero cost with all of our cloud hosting packages.

The tool goes along with over 100 exclusive styles, that you can absolutely personalize to your liking. Since these no cost templates are made exclusively for the site builder, you can rest assured that once you develop your site, it’ll be unique.

Free Site Builder Themes